Monday, November 3, 2014

Use the pages listed on the right to get started in learning the chemistry needed to do the poster project properly.

Important Links:

Large Size PowerPoint Template - use this template if you want to design and construct your poster in PowerPoint. You will need to use a template like this, or similar, if you have access to a wide carriage printer capable of printing your poster as one piece. Select the 36" by 48" template to give you the normal large poster size.

Create Your Own Template - This link takes you step-by-step how to set up PowerPoint to the specific size and design you want for your poster.

Print Large Format Poster - Use this link to print your large format poster for a reasonable price.

Change Large Format to Small Paper - This site will print your large format poster as a series of 8 X 11 pages that you can print on your normal printer. These small sections can then be cut and physically pasted to create a decent looking large poster.

Download the Pioneer Guy Logo - The pioneer logo should be placed in the upper right portion of your poster.